The Alleen2Go reporting app is an offer from the Niedersächsischer Heimatbund (NHB) for simplified reporting of avenues in Lower Saxony. The reported avenues are included in the avenue database, which the NHB has been building up since 2015 with the support of the population. The database provides a representative overview of the avenue landscape in Lower Saxony and is an important basis for the protection and preservation of the avenues - especially since there is no comprehensive official avenue cadastre.The natural and cultural asset Allee is an important structuring landscape element and makes a significant contribution to the preservation of biological diversity. However, the obligation to ensure traffic safety and the maintenance and expansion of traffic routes threaten their continued existence. New guidelines make replanting more difficult and, together with the fact that only a few avenues are legally protected, encourage the felling of avenue trees. It is therefore important to become active so that the avenues do not disappear from the Lower Saxony landscape.The NHB has been committed to protecting and preserving the avenues since 2015. With the support of the Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung (NBU) the "500 most beautiful and most valuable avenues in Lower Saxony" were sought. By the end of 2018, around 2,000 avenues had been recorded and characterized in the database. This confirmed - Lower Saxony is a land of avenues!Together we can achieve even more - under this motto, the NHB has been running the "Alleepaten für Niedersachsen" project, again funded by the Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung, since 2019. In cooperation with the German Forest Protection Association (SDW), the NHB is building up a network of voluntary avenue sponsors who, as “carers”, keep an eye on the avenues on site, actively support them and are in contact with the local administration or private owners of avenues take up. An important part of the project is still the avenue web portal with the avenue database, where the sponsors can report avenues that have not yet been mapped, maintain avenue profiles and keep themselves informed.With the reporting app, all avenue enthusiasts receive a helpful tool with which they can record and report avenues on the spot. The avenue sponsors can take their sponsor avenues "outside" to check the entries on site and correct them if necessary - even offline without a network connection!